Professor Bjarne Robberstad
Principal Investigator: Economics
I work as a Professor of Health Economics at the University of Bergen, which has been my position since 2012. I did my MSc in development economics with the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in 1997, and defended my PhD in Health Economics in 2005 at the University of Bergen. The thesis was titled Economic evaluation of health interventions in sub-Saharan Africa. Applied economic evaluations and studies on time preferences for Health in Tanzania. I have published 54 scientific articles in peer reviewed journals, and a number of reports and book chapters, most of which are related to low income settings. Currently I am involved in empirical research in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Zambia and Pakistan. But I am also involved in economic evaluation related to health services in Norway. I was during 2006-2012 a member of the Advisory Board for Reimbursement of Drugs (Norwegian Medicines Agency), and as chair during 2010-2012, where my responsibility was to assess quality of evidence presented by the pharmaceutical industry in applications for reimbursement. I currently hold and adjunct position at the National Institute of Public Health in Norway, and contribute regularly in applied economic evaluations of pharmaceuticals, vaccines and other types of interventions in the Norwegian health care system.