Assistant Professor Christentze Schmiegelow
Dr Schmiegelow is primarily responsible for all obstetric ultrasound conducted across all study sites in Kenya, Malawi and Tanzania, she is also a supervisor for PhD student George Mtove investigating the effect of malaria and sexual transmitted infections/reproductive tract infections on foetal growth and birth outcome
Christentze Schmiegelow has for the last 15 years engaged herself in research simultaneously with obtaining clinical competencies, teaching experience and having had a significant involvement in health work in developing countries. This has resulted in pre-graduate research, a PhD, clinical work within Obstetrics and Gynecology, and numerous stays in Tanzania and India as a researcher, a project leader, and a health worker. Since 2007 she has spent a majority of her time conducting research projects in pregnant women in Northeastern Tanzania. Her main research focus is Reproductive Health in low and middle income countries (LMIC). The main focus is on the detrimental effects of complications during pregnancy, especially malaria and anaemia, on foetal growth, placental development, and the newborns health. Obstetric ultrasound for gestational age estimation and foetal growth monitoring is a key tool in her research and she has herself conducted >4000 investigations and supervised >2700 investigations in Northeastern Tanzania.